Sunday, 12 May, 2024

Seven top fruits for beautiful glowing skin

Beautiful flawless, glowing skin is a priceless thing of beauty that all want to have. Loading up your daily diet with fruits is one of the best ways to make your skin healthy and flawless. Most fruits nourish the skin from inside, giving you the much needed glow on the face. No beauty cosmetics or beauty treatments can replace this natural way of nourishing the skin.
Pomegranate: This attractive and delicious fruit is packed with powerful antioxidants, making it a natural anti-ageing agent. It nourishes the skin with better nutrition and prevents damage caused by free radicals.
Apple: Apple boosts your intake of vitamin A and C, which plays an important role in skin development and natural protection from the sun’s ultraviolet rays.
Orange: This fruit is loaded with vitamin C, which increases the production of collagen and keeps the skin firm and moist. Eat an orange every day to ward off ageing and wrinkles.
Banana: This fruit will nourish and revitalize dry skin. It also smoothens rough and ageing skin. If you have acne-prone oily skin, you can use it efficaciously for oil control and to reduce further breakouts. Enjoy its beauty benefits as it is rich in powerful anti-oxidants, phytochemicals and moisture.
Berries: Berries are one of the best anti-ageing foods. Strawberries and blue berries contain huge range of antioxidants saving skin from dangers of free radical damage. They are also 85 per cent water, which means they can help to keep skin hydrated from inside out.
Kiwi: Kiwis contain vitamins and other nutrients that contribute to healthy, glowing skin. They contain large amounts of vitamin C, which helps your body produce collagen to firm your skin. It also prevent rough, dry skin making it baby soft. This fruit is also a good source of vitamin E that may decrease facial lines and wrinkles. 
Papaya: It is a great source of vitamin A, which helps in removing inactive proteins giving you a smooth and supple skin. Its low sodium quality keeps your skin hydrated. It is a natural exfoliator. Eating it regularly gives you glowing skin. It also reduces the signs of aging on the face.
At least 1.5 cup of fruits per day for women and two cups for men is recommended by health specialists. It will boost your intake of essential nutrients for your complete health. Stay beautiful with supple and glowing skin with these beauty fruits.
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