Saturday, 18 May, 2024

Beautify your garden with winter blooms

December is here and winter is here to stay. While the flowering plants in the garden may die out in the dark, cold weather, you can think of planting seasonal flowers, flowers that bloom well in winter. They are as colourful and beautiful as the spring or summer flowers. While they may need extra care, some of the winter blooms are quite easy to grow and can spread in plenty.

CALENDULA: This long stalk flower comes in varied colors. The plant is easy to care. Well-drained soil and occasional watering are the secret to grow calendula.

MARIGOLDS: There are different types of marigold. Single, double, small and big in dark maroon, orange, yellow and white. They are easy to grow and needs little care and watering. They grow fast with no hassle once planted.

CINERARIAS: Its color ranges from white, pink and purplish red to blue and purple. It grows in partial or full shade. It needs regular water and rich, loose soil.

ENGLISH DAISY: With sprightly dark green leaves, they come in yellow, pink, red or white. They need a bit of shade and regular watering. They look beautiful grown over a wide spread.

HELLEBORE: These cups or bell-shaped flowers range in colours from white and green, pink and red to dark purple. This plant needs moderate watering and full sun or partial shade. The soil should be well-drained with ample of organic stuff.

CHRYSANTHEMUMS: They are grown in full sunshine and considered autumn flowers. But they bloom well Indian winter around December and through January and February months. They are easy to plant. They grow well with good pruning and the small stems can be used to plant them.

The simple joy and pleasure of planting flowers and watching them grow from seedling to flowering stage is priceless. Grow them well in your balcony or your garden with a lot of care and loving. Flowering plants are a reflection of your personality. They can be best companions around which you can spend an enjoyable outdoor time. Fill your life with the beauty of flowers and nature, God’s most beautiful creation.

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