Saturday, 1 June, 2024

Beyond the usual suspects

The US has been the number one destination for international educational and the numbers are as high as one million students. According to the latest report by NAFSA: Association of International Educators, these students contributed $32.8 billion and supported more than 4 lakh jobs to the US economy during the 2015-2016 academic year. While there are some concerns as Donald Trump's campaign has emerged as anti-immigration, there can be a big difference between campaigning and reality. Trump is a businessman and time will tell whether indeed he will take actions which will affect revenues of as much as $32.8 billion which are important for its economy.

This is not forgetting the immense contribution that international students make not only to the classrooms but also to the local economy of each of the cities where they are placed. However, that doesn't come without a saying that these concerns might have caused some apprehensions among the students who had planned to work in the US after studies.

So, that leaves us to address the elephant in the room, If not US, where? Keeping aside UK, other countries that are expected to cap in on international students. The top five countries to study and work after completion of the course based on the standard of education would be Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, Australia, and Germany in the same order.

*Canada: The country's immigration friendly work-permit programme like Post graduation Work Permit is the key attraction for international students looking to study and work abroad. Under this, one can get up to a three-year work permit depending on the study duration. Once the student lands a job, it becomes easy to apply for a Permanent Residence in Canada after six months under the Canadian Experience Class.

In mid-September this year, Canada's Immigration Minister John McCallum said, Canada is an aging country, so we need new young immigrants to support our economy and help make it grow”. As the government opens its labour force to foreign students with an immigration friendly policy, easier process to gain permanent residence, this comes as good news for students who are looking to study and work after the course completion.

The Canadian higher education system is known for its high-quality education that is focused on teaching and research quality. From as many as 100 Canadian universities, a quarter of them are listed in the world's top ones. The cost of living is relatively affordable compared to the other western counterparts like Montreal, Vancouver and Toronto makes it to the list of QS 2015 Most Affordable Student Cities.

*New Zealand: Proving itself as a great place to live and study, New Zealand has eight universities, all being listed on the QS World University Rankings. Its higher education system is ranked 16th in the world and among the safest countries in the world. New Zealand's graduate pathway allows international students to apply for post-study work permit up to four years through its Post-study work visa (open) and Post-study work visa (employer assisted). In the open post-study work visa, graduates are eligible for a year work visa in a field related to their studies. The employer assisted post-study work visa is related to a specific job with a specific employer when the student is eligible for work permit up to three years.

*Australia: Ranked globally as one of the best countries for education, Australia is another hot-spot study destination for international and Indian students in particular. In spite of the heavy tuition fees, its quality-education, top ranked universities and the high living standard put the country on the top spot. After Australia reformed its post-study work visa in 2013, the country swung back into being the most preferred destination. Under its Temporary Graduate visa, students can apply for the Graduate Work stream that grants up to 18 months of work permit or the Post-study Work stream that grants up to four years of work permit.

n Ireland: Recently initiated, its growth strategy, Ireland Educated, Globally Connected”, with an aim to expand its international education industry. Under this strategy, it intends to attract in more international students, and boost its revenue from international education from AAAA¢

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