Tuesday, 18 June, 2024

Uri attack: Digvijay corners NDA govt for releasing Masood Azhar

With Masood Azhar-led Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) suspected to be behind the Uri attack, Congress leader Digvijay Singh on Monday sought to put the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government in the dock, suggesting the earlier NDA regime had "compromised" with national security by releasing the terrorist following the 1999 Indian airlines hijack.

In a series of tweets, he also made a strong pitch for building strong international pressure to isolate Pakistan in the wake of the terror strike and also stressed on looking into the "failure" of the Army to protect its camp near the LoC.

"We compromised to let Masood Azhar go after Indian Airlines hijack. Lesson? Never compromise with National Security," the Congress General Secretary said.

"Masood Azhar’s JeM is behind the attack. Of course with full connivance of Pakistan Establishment."

"Should also look at the failure of the Army to protect its Army Camp near the LOC," he said.

"Pay homage to the Martyrs in Uri. GOI must strongly build International pressure to isolate Pakistan", the Congress leader added.

Flight IC 814, which was en route from Nepal to Delhi, was hijacked on December 24, 1999 with 176 passengers onboard.

Three terrorists, including Masood Azhar, were released by the Indian government in exchange for the safe release of passengers and the crew.

Read more:

Uri attack: Rajnath Singh reviews security situation

Uri attack: Militants had Pak weapons, says Army

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