Wednesday, 3 July, 2024

Every district to get child protection body

To curb the menace of child trafficking in the state, every district will soon have Child Protection Committee, Sashi Panja, minister of state for women, child and social welfare said on Thursday.

“In every district of the state, child protection committees are being constituted to control the heinous acts of child trafficking and ensure protection of several children,” the minister said.

Highlighting the difficulties faced by the government in working with people at the grass-roots level, Panja said, “There are many policies in place but the most difficult task is to make sure that the affected children benefit from them.”

“We have to see why these young girls fall into the lure of these child traffickers. Why do girls run away from their homes and marry?” the minister raised a relevant question.

The minister was attending a seminar on ‘Children in Difficult Circumstances’ organised by a pan India NGO, Plan in association with the Child in Need Institute (CINI).

Child and adolescent survivors of child marriage and child trafficking recounted their traumatic experience of being a victim of gruesome acts of crimes.

A young girl from the red light area of Kolkata said that she had to face many taunts in her school for belonging to a family in the red light area of the city. “Many eyebrows were raised when a girl from these red light areas attend schools and colleges,” she said.

Another young girl, Arza Parveen, raised a pertinent question, while Women&’s Day is celebrated with much fanfare in the state and the country, the patriarchal society fails to respect them,“We celebrate Women&’s Day but can it be assured that on this day, no woman will be mistreated in public or will not be a victim of eve-teasing?”

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