Monday, 29 April, 2024

Food habits to save you from anaemia

Feeling fatigued? You may be suffering from low haemoglobin and hence lack of oxygen in red blood cells. You may be anaemic. Check whether you are feeling low in energy, difficult to concentrate, breath shortness and unusual heart beat especially while exercising and frequent headaches. If so, do not let it go undetected.

There are three major reasons for Anaemia – Blood loss, less or defective production of red blood cells and devastation of red blood cells.

Modify your diet and lifestyle before you touch the borderline or become severely anaemic.

Experts suggest a glass of fresh apple juice every morning on empty stomach. Do not take anything for about half an hour after its consumption for optimum absorption of iron from the juice.

Have one to two bananas daily with either one tablespoon of gooseberry juice or honey.

Soak 10 currants overnight. Deseed them and eat preferably on empty stomach.

Soak 10-12 almonds overnight. Remove the outer skin and coarsely grind them. Add them in a glass of milk along with 1/4th inch thick piece of raw turmeric (crushed). Give a boil and simmer for five minutes. Remove the turmeric piece and add little sugar. Drink hot once a day.

Freshly prepared beetroot juice is good to be taken once or twice a day. Add a lemon splash in it for a better taste.  

Have 150 gram of spinach every day in any form. Its fresh juice can load the body with iron.

Besides these, foods like apricots, raisins, lettuce, fenugreek leaves, grapes, tomatoes, carrots and pomegranate are also packed with iron. Have plenty of them if you are anaemic. Avoid drinking tea or coffee completely, immediately after meals. It distracts the absorption of iron from the blood. Eat healthy, live healthier!

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