Friday, 17 May, 2024

Make this summer time with your kids unforgettable

In today&’s fast-paced life people have busy work schedules with no time to spend with their kids. Most mothers are working these days, but it is important to spend meaningful time with children. Needless to say, it is the foremost duty of every parent to shower love on their children. This feeling can be expressed only by being there for them in small, yet meaningful ways.

Many mothers today hire maids or baby sitters to look after their children in their absence. But, one cannot escape from the responsibility of childcare by appointing full time maids. Maids can only serve or help your children but they can never become their parents. Only a mother can nurture her child with immense love and care, which is the most important thing for the holistic growth of your child. Even if both the parents are working, there is not much to worry about how much time you can spend with your children each day, ensure to make small moments into memorable ones. After all, it is not the quantity, but the quality of time spent with your children that matters the most. 

Here there are few ways to spend quality time with your kids this summer vacation. 

Morning walk with your kids 

This summer holidays, you can start your new day with a new zeal with your kids by waking up little early before your scheduled time and go for a walk with them. Your children will breathe in nature and enjoy the companionship with you. 

Playing games with them 

Games are fun. If one is at home, indoor games such as table tennis, carom board, chess, etc. can be played.  One can also plan a family night game or learn to play video games with the children on big screen, which can be fun. 

Helping them study 

Children do not like homework, but it needs to be done. Connect with your children during this time. It will not only help you to know where your child stands on the learning front, but make your child more patient as you will be there to help him/her out at the time of need. 

Inculcate reading habit 

Kids love stories whether they read them or you read for them from a book or made up of your own. Telling a story at bedtime provides excellent bonding between parents and children. 

Eating meal together 

Most people say that eating together is important but they do not follow it. Given the busy lifestyle, often it is difficult for parents and kids to take time out for a meal together everyday.  At least have one meal a day that can be either breakfast or dinner with the kids. 

Plan an adventure trip 

To spend a fruitful time with children, one can plan an adventurous vacation with them for that unforgettable memories. Fun together will help strengthen the parents-children bond. 

These little delightful and meaningful moments can go a long way in parents-children relationship. Also, time spent together can help know and understand each other better and change the ties for the better. It is not necessary to spend the whole day with them, but it is necessary to spend meaningful time to make them confident and competent enough to face the challenges of life and grow independent and stronger as individuals. It will also give parents the feeling of success and contentment.

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