Wednesday, 1 May, 2024

New Year celebration – make it home sweet home

Christmas is over and as the year draws to an end, it’s time to make celebration plans for new year's eve and usher in the New Year. Take a break from work and spend a memorable time by indulging in fun time with family and friends.
There are plenty of fun options to choose from. It’s not always necessary to go out somewhere to welcome the New Year in full swing. You will never get bored at home if you plan something new that is different, special and enjoyable. So stay warm and party safe at home this time.

If you have a grassy lawn or an pleasant open area or a lovely terrace, don’t coop up inside. Host a party at your place under the sky. It is a good opportunity to catch up with distant family members and old friends with whom it’s been quite long you last met. Take the privilege to help everyone wind down after their droning chaotic schedules.

Have a bonfire night. Let all gather around a blazing bonfire and warm up in an old-fashioned way. Bonfire is a perfect idea to spark a humour for kids and oldies or romance for young ones. Play a nice music and get cosy with your loved ones kicking up your heels on the dance floor. Bearing safety measures in mind is a must if you are planning for a bonfire night.

Hiring a karaoke DJ who can gel with your family’s panache is another big hit for the evening. Invite the guests on the dais who can sing or who are willing to surprise everyone through their singing.

These get-togethers are enjoyed by kids as well. They love to meet and play with cousins and friends. There are also many fun ideas for games that you can twist and turn into fun to entertain the whole crowd irrespective of their age. You may blow up balloons and tie them on the ankle of each guest. Set everybody to go around darting other’s balloon. Whoever has the last unpopped balloon is the winner. You can also get a camera having a timer on it. Keep passing it around the group with each person taking a selfie. Whomever is holding the camera while taking the picture and the buzzer stops is out of the game?

A video camera can be set on a trivet in a corner to capture each and every moment to recall great memories in future. It’s also fun to watch a family slide show. Dig through the collections of old pictures and recordings. Arrange the slides wisely for an interesting continuity. To add more excitement to the party, you may set a challenging dressing code with different hair style and make up. It will make the special evening a bundle of fun memories. How can we leave the food? Make a nice arrangement of varied and plentiful selection of flavoursome dishes.

 Let your place become an example of gaiety full of taste, laughter and enjoyment this year. That’s a perfect New Year celebration. May everyone gain new heights of success in the coming year. Happy new Year!

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