Monday, 6 May, 2024

Steal a power nap if you must

Many of us are often juggling with work, home and other affairs. Modern life makes us do too much, too fast, and spend too long at work, leaving little time to sleep. Hence, many are suffering from lack of sound sleep.
Owing to less sleep, every day we suffer low energy levels even before we start the day. Lack of sleep affect our work and life as well.
A power nap of 15-30 minutes is one good solution to this sleep deprivation problem. Try to take a power nap each time you feel drowsy at work or too tired to do anything. Keep in mind few points to make your nap powerful.
Place: If you are at work, take a short break in a place where you can take a nap and nobody can disturb you.
Block the light: We tend to fall asleep faster in the dark. Choose a dark room if possible or wear a sleep mask while taking a nap.
Soothing temperature: Your sleep should be comfortable. The place should not be too cold or too hot.
Turn off your mobile phone: Keep these distractions away from you to have a sound nap. Turn your phone on flight mode and use ear plugs to evade unavoidable noise around.
Fix the duration of your nap: An ideal power nap should be between 15 and 30 minutes. Decide the duration according to your schedule and requirement. Don’t forget to set an alarm that will wake you up after the desired amount of time.
Power nap increases your stamina, alertness, memory and performance. It makes your brain work much faster and more accurate. So, take a power nap to reboot your energy and get going through the day. 
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