Monday, 6 May, 2024

Steer your kids away from gadget addiction

Kids are what you make them. They are the ones whom you care the most. For whom you want perfection. To achieve this, you have to be there for them. You have to replace their time with gadgets with your time for them.

When you leave them behind with gadgets to hold on to, you are only complicating your life and that of your kid by making him or her a gadget fanatic over time.

Think about your childhood days when there were no hi-tech gadgets. Wasn’t that time wonderful and joyful?

Reverse the time again. Give your time to your kids. Spent quality time with them and make them feel special. Let them know how much you love and care for them, how best you want for them. Tell them and let them know they deserve special and quality time with their parents and family at home or out.

The recent generation children accept positive change in their lives more easily. So, give a try. It’s only you, who can develop virtuous interests in the child to do things other than using gadgets. They will appreciate you for giving all of you just for them.

Set a suitable routine for your children. Wake them up an hour before their school. Send them with a good mood and a positive note. Once they are back, talk to them and ask them about their day, what they did in school, their lessons, friends, and teachers. Make their lunch time a relaxing one.

Remember, no matter how fond they are of gadgets, they can never replace you. Give them a half hour break to do anything before they sit to study. Be strict with the time limit and keep a check, especially during exam time.

Set a homework-friendly environment. Don’t make them dependent on you while doing assignments. Help them by directions and suggestions. Be available to eliminate the hitches and glitches. Praise their efforts. After study time, encourage them to play out. Help them to make friends. They have plenty of fascinating activities to do during this hour like cycling, playing cricket, badminton, swimming or running. You can also accompany them if required and possible. It helps your kids de-stress themselves in an intelligent and healthy manner. Give them some healthy snacks after they return from play. Then they can do some revision work or read some good books of their taste.

Then the family time on the dinner table should be completely diversion free from any gadget. It can act as a great bonding time. Serve a meal that is nutritious but does not seem boring. You may include one thing of your child’s taste in his plate. Never force him to finish everything. Let them share their wishes, future plans and excursion ideas, etc, to make it an enjoyable time. Make them sit them for few minutes in their bed before they sleep. Chat with them or tell them a bedtime story. You may also share your experiences with them.

Taking interest in your child’s activities will help them achieve greater heights of success. Brighten his future with healthy nurturing in early years. These efforts will strengthen your relationship with them and keep them away from addictive gadgets.

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