Thursday, 2 May, 2024

Women empowerment

In the 21st century women are equal to men in most of the fields and why won’t they be. It’s high time that they get back their honour. But are they really free? Since childhood small girls are taught to be disciplined, soft-spoken understanding and adjustable whereas boys are always taught to be rough and tough, emotionally strong and most importantly they can do whatever they want without any problem.

Unfortunately all the boys, especially whose parents are well off or can save them from all the worries of the world, often think that nobody can stop them. One big question that often comes in my mind is that when will the girls have their ways to happiness? Women, since the beginning of the world are one of the strongest creations on earth. 

Then why is it that the society doesn’t understand their point of view? I mean a woman in the house is like a constant source of happiness and an assurance of everything being all right. Then why are women always blamed at the end? If a woman is working and she has a duty from which she has to return late at night, then often in most of the cases, the society starts questioning her character.  

Is this the future we are really waiting for? Girls are not at all safe in the present situation and often their families turn their backs, if they commit any mistake. Nonetheless, when a boy does the same mistake, then it’s pardonable. The society has always given men a dominant role to play. However, after so many difficulties, women have established themselves. Can’t the society, forget about appreciation and at least recognize women as equal? 

Why can’t the society change its point of view? Present generation girls are striving for freedom, success and achievement but in the end if they are broken emotionally by the views and rules of the society, then what is the use of getting freedom? The biggest problem of womankind is that they think from the heart and most of the time people fail to understand the depth of their ideology.  So, I wish that, women should always be respected.

Class X, St. Joseph & Mary’s School

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