Track your fitness with a weight-loss diary

On the way to achieving fitness, you are bound to hit snags at many levels. Physical workouts and diet are the much talked about things on health and fitness. But, apart from them, there are many other ways to stay fit and in great shape: 

Pen down your daily weight:  When you have to maintain a record of your daily weight loss, you think twice before eating. Your weight-loss diary contents must include date, meal time, meal content, meal quantity and your satisfaction level. This practice will help you to avoid those extra calories you are tempted to consume.

Glue  your  ‘before’ photographs in your kitchen: Paste your ‘before’picture on your refrigerator or in a visible place in the kitchen. This will help you remind from where you started and how far you have come to achieve the present figure. This practice will help you to avoid that second serving of a chocolate cake or dessert.


Begin with a  short workout schedule:  Initiate your fitness schedule by walking for 15 to 20 minutes a day.Once started, gradually increase the time of workout to burn those extra calories. Introduce more daily activities such as walking to a nearby grocery store instead of going by car or take your dog for a walk. Try to walk on a faster pace than usual. Climb up and down the stairs instead of using elevators  if you can.

Keep a track of your progress level: Check your aerobic and muscular fitness and flexibility levels on a daily basis. It is very simple to measure these levels. Just analyse the pace of your brisk walk or number of push ups you are doing and judge your fitness level.

De-stress yourself: The more you stress yourself, the more you tend to gain weight. So keep yourself stress free to reduce body fat more efficiently. Compliment your healthy balanced diet and proper exercise regime with a stress free lifestyle to gain that extra advantage of ‘cherry on the cake’.Have a sound sleep of seven to eight hours a day: Today’s fast paced life involves a lot of mental stress.  So, sleep your worries away to achieving your goal.

Drink water wisely: Avoid drinking water between meals, but drink a glass of water 30 minutes before every meal. It helps lose more weight.  After you finish your meal, drink water after two hours. If you will not give that gap, it will work against you by diluting the digestive enzymes and making it harder to digest the food. Drink one glass of water every two hours in a day. If you drink water only when you are thirsty then your body is depleted of necessary fluids essential for weight loss and retain water weight. Water consumption throughout the day will ensure that your body is replenished and get rid of excess water weight.
