Use indoor plants for cleaner, beautiful homes

Indoor plants beautify and liven up a room with its fresh appeal. Today, it has become a trend in interior designing to replace artificial plants with natural ones.  Apart from making your house look beautiful, they also act as air filters and help to curb indoor pollution.

Indoor air is said to be more polluted than the air outside. Some plants can eliminate these indoor pollutants, which are volatile organic chemicals (VOCs). VOCs can cause irritation in the respiratory tract and trigger sinus congestion, fatigue, headaches and other sickness.

A study by NASA suggests that at least one plant should be kept per hundred square feet of home or office space for efficient air cleaning. So, make your home a cleaner place by keeping as many plants as you wish to. Some decorative indoor plants you can use are:


Peace lily – Peace lily requires medium to low light and less frequent watering. It filters ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene and toluene. It is a very attractive plant to be kept at home. Avoid it if you have pets at home as the plant is toxic for them.

Dracaena Marginata – This plant needs relatively bright light but not direct sunlight. It can filter benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene and toluene. This plant too is toxic for pets. Avoid it if you have pets at home.

Weeping fig – This plant requires partial shade and moderate watering. It filters indoor air toxins very effectively. Don’t move its place much because it is sensitive to changing conditions.

Gerbera Daisy – This beautiful plant with blooms is one of the best decorative plant and most suitable for removing benzene and trichloroethylene from the air.

Philodendrons – It is a poisonous plant but excellent at removing formaldehyde. This plant needs partial shade and well-drained soil.

Baby rubber plant – Rubber plant removes bacteria and mild spores in the air. Its leaves absorb airborne chemicals and break them down to make them harmless.

Snake plant – This plant eliminates most of the toxins. It grows well even in adverse conditions in which other plants cannot survive.

Nurture these plants to remove air pollutants in your living spaces. And make ‘green living’ the mantra of your healthy and beautiful life.
