An ideal organisation has smart employees, less or no politics, transparency, authenticity, innovation, creativity, team spirit and a high level of performance. ankita chakraborty and tania thomas find out

THESE days, people in most organisations tend to ignore the significance of innovation and creativity and limit themselves to pre-set paradigms. Management is no more restricted to the boundaries of commerce and has become a combination of both, arts and science. Ajay Agarwal, member of the All India Management Association, Indian Society for Training and Development and National Human Resource Development network gave a new twist to this buzzword, management.
   “We have a list of 19 skill sets that make the DNA of a successful manager. We instill them in clients through various programmes, depending upon their level. We act as mentors to college students and monitor their professional and personal growth. Adults in the training phase are exposed to experiential learning and expand their existential knowledge,” said Agarwal.
The human resource development division, which was earlier referred to as the personal and administrative reforms department, helps individuals and organisations adapt to each other. It teaches an employee how to improve, adjust to different jobs, value systems of varying organisations and deal with physiological and psychological pressures. Such departments are set up to look into an employee’s year round appraisal and identify his/her needs.
In a survey conducted by the National Skill Development Corporation it was noted that only 25 per cent of MBA students graduating from reputed institutes are employable because the rest lack basic communication skills.
Emotional intelligence is the capacity of being aware of one’s emotions and handling interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. Most students lack this attribute. “One of our most favourite topics is emotional intelligence. An employee’s emotions like happiness, sadness should always be taken care of. We even conduct programmes at the directorial level,” said Agarwal.
The humane touch is now recognised as an important element in the effective functioning of a corporation. An ideal organisation should have smart employees, good organisation culture, less or no politics, more transparency, authenticity, innovation, creativity, team spirit and a high level of performance. Most organisations have now realised that if the sheen of their influence is lost, their framework goes beyond a point of no repair.

