If looks could kill

A very important rule is followed by the women travelling in the Metro – no men in the ladies compartment. Still we have some ignorant members of the male species, who are unable to follow this simple rule. Even when they are yelled at, and they know very well that they will be, they still take a risk by entering the "pink compartment". But it’s not often that women encourage a man to remain in the Ladies coach, a colleague narrated.

When our colleague entered the ladies compartment as usual, she saw, in her words, a "breathtakingly handsome foreigner straight from a Mills and Boon book" sitting right in front of her, engrossed in a conversation with another foreigner, with a voice "like Amitabh Bachchan’s". With a baritone hard to miss he was "discussing the tattoo he had on his dusky neck". Our friend realised that the man had been sitting there for quite a while because when she looked around, she noticed that all ladies were busy ogling at the handsome man and the men herded like sheep in the general compartment giving looks that could kill!

Usually ready to fight for her rights, our colleague would have normally made any other male stand up and leave but surprisingly, or not so surprisingly, she said not a word and joined the other women in the ladies coach to gawk at the Adonis in their presence. She then wondered whether it was the women who had "allowed" the man to sit so that they could feast their eyes on him or he was simply too confident that the ladies would definitely swoon in his presence! 

