Lunae Montes

Some of the early explorers in Africa referring to Mountain of the Moon as  Lunae Montes had no idea it would earn lasting literary fame as a book authored by Bibhuti Bhusan Bandopadhaya titled Chander Pahar. It was the first children&’s novel Bandopadhaya penned. First serialised in the now defunct children&’s magazine Mouchak and later published by M C Sarkar, of late the screen version of the book has met with unprecedented success. Shubham Barnamala, a children&’s magazine has brought out a special number on the book. Adorned with a treasury of information on the book and its backdrop, the African wilds, the issue claims the status of a collector&’s item owing to the presence of the poems by Nirendranath Chakraborty, Mandakranta Sen, Subodh Sarkar, Ratantanu Ghati and others. Arguably, the presence of a  poem by Kamaleshwar Mukhoapadhaya, the director of the film gives a different dimension to this Beadon Street Subham publication.  
