Category: Supplements

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‘I am very emotional’

Playback singer Neha Kakkar, who started her Bollywood innings as a contestant in Indian Idol Season 2, will soon be…

Too many to choose from

The 21st International Film Festival of Kerala (IKKF began on 9th December and closed on 16th when three different juries… <...

Not quite so rewarding

Mark Twain had famously said, “You can’t depend on your eyes if your imagination is out ...

Fitting tribute

Very few of us know that Sitara Devi had a very close connection with Bengal. She was born and brought… <...

Free loaders

Free-loading gate crashers at events like book releases, lectures, exhibition inaugurals and academic seminars in the National Capital have assumed… <...

Almanac vend

Last week there was much confusion in some segments of society over the exact date on which Holi fell —…

(Anti-)social media

One may look at Social Media as a powerful tool of social change and an integral part of modern day… <...

Queen Empress Library

Delhi-based writer and historiographer, Rakhshanda Jalil, was invited to speak at a once prestigious library in Agra, where Mother Teresa… <...