Review: ‘Big Mom and Other Stories’

Book: Big Mom and Other Stories 
Author: BS Bir 
Publisher: Shilalekh Publishers 
Price: Rs. 495 
They say life is a big lesson and life teaches best. The lessons are many, though lessons learned may differ from person to person.  And, the lessons are woven through narratives drawn out of the daily humdrum of an ordinary life. The extraordinary tales of man and his existence in myriad hues and forms are presented through the swirling pen of BS Bir.
Recently published ‘Big Mom and Other Stories’ is a collection of Bir’s best 25 works of fiction that grapples with the complexities of a simple man’s life in an ever-expanding world.
From rural to urban India, of individuals living alone or of families and members torn apart due to the everyday challenges of life, the short stories could have been parts of a long story of life as it is. But life has many colours and the stories are many. 
Thus, Bir presents the many stories in a simple and lucid language with easily identifiable emotions that these characters evoke in the readers. Though a collection of short stories, a common thread of human nature and its vulnerabilities are depicted without any frills or pretexts. 
A simple book of simple stories, the book attempts to cover a wide realm of life in the modern times.
