Tag: Book Review

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Newborn-care and racism

The narrative rips along at a great pace. Her new novel, about an African-American maternity nurse, who gets discriminated against when a newborn baby’s white parents take their child out of her care, addresses race, prejudice and justice.

A rather doom-laden work

Drabble’s witty and intelligent story of old age and inevitable death does not make for an easy read, but it is brimming with relevance.

Far-off the race-track

Harlow took this blow way more than he his own expectations and suddenly went off-track, turning to alcohol- a practice which he once believed to be ‘disgusting’.

A cloistered world brought to life

Appropriately, Grant’s take on sanatorium life is a far cry from Mann’s The Magic Mountain or its romanticised ilk, and this makes for refreshingly original reading. Her characters are bored, hacking their lungs up, undergoing painful and debilitating procedures, and scared of dying.