Category: Notebook

Some Information about category for seo purpose..

Suhas Roy

Eighty autumns could not dim his zest for work. And it took death to finally take eminent painter Suhas Roy… <...

Surviving blasts

If organisers of the Durga Puja festival have discovered the art of innovation,there is no way in which Kali ...

Ray compilation

Away from the shooting spot when he was not wielding the megaphone, Satyajit Ray wrote compactly and copiously. But the… <...

Climate of Thrills

It was the Poet Laureate who found creative possibilities in the season that is now called Basanta. It may have… <...

Days of yore

The days after the nation won freedom till the ‘70s was a momentous period. It was the best of ...

Honouring a thinker

Not once in his life, did he stray from reason. The rationalist worked in the Reserve Bank of India for… <...